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The Caileigh Lynn McDowell Foundation
What Caileigh means to me.


Isabella & McKinley,
Forest Hills

As Caileigh struggled to figure out why she didn’t feel well, she would find her strength in various ways.  Rachel Platten’s empowering lyrics in “Fight Song” spoke to her and became her anthem of vulnerability and power.


Rachel Platten contributed to a beautiful message to Caileigh’s friends; the Woodland Hills High School Class of 2016.

My #caileighsfightsong shirt and bracelet mean SO much to me. I wear my bracelets every day and every time I look down at my wrist I think of her.

Kindness Movement

The Kindness Movement was launched with the distribution of kindness cards. These free cards stating 12 principles such as spread kindness, contribute to peace, be inclusive……are used as leave behinds for all of those moments when a reminder of love, compassion, encouragement or unity can change a situation for the better and leave someone with a smile. Watch the video from our Light The Night with Love and Kindness event. 





Wearing my #CaileighsFightSong shirt and bracelet makes me remember all of the years I've know Caileigh and all the things that we've done together. 

Wearing our tshirts and bracelets means so much to us. For our family it represents the princess warrior that we watched for 42 days fighting so hard to stay with us.



I wear my bracelets everyday. I never take them off. Caileigh is one of the kindest people I have ever known. I had a lot of trouble in school. From struggling with my school work, to being bullied on a day to day basis.


Forest Hills



Ever since this event was made I contemplated day by day on what I would say wearing my #caileighsfightsong t-shirt and bracelets mean to me and they basically mean everything to me.


Forest Hills

I miss my sister every day. My sister was a warrior. She fought through so much. She was funny and we had lots of fun together.

© 2024 by The Caileigh Lynn McDowell Foundation

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